Sunday, October 2, 2022

Artificial intelligence in e-commerce


Computer based intelligence can assist the present web-based retailers with conveying an enhanced client experience on and off their web based business sites by utilizing gathered business and client information to pursue better business choices and all the more precisely foresee what's in store.

How computerized reasoning assumed a major part in web based business?

Simulated intelligence assumes a tremendous part in adding better client encounters and imaginative arrangements in the Web based business industry. Item suggestions, customized shopping encounters, remote helpers, chatbots, and voice search are probably the most unmistakable purposes of man-made intelligence in Online business.

Computer based intelligence Applications in online business

#1 computer based intelligence Makes Client Driven Search. ...

#2 Retarget Possible Clients. ...

#3 Makes Effective Deals Interaction. ...

#4 High level Remote helpers. ...

#5 Makes Personalization Across Various Gadgets.

#6 Furnishes Individual Touch With simulated intelligence Chatbot. ...

#7 Engage store Representatives

Facebook Metaverse

 What is facebooks metaverse?

The Metaverse is a stage that Facebook runs. The metaverse is a wide idea of how we collaborate on the web, and coincidentally its parts are all constrained by Facebook

How would I join Facebook's metaverse?

This is one reason why Facebook is zeroing in on growing more equipment like shrewd glasses so clients can get to the Metaverse without any problem.

Stage 1: You'll require a Symbol. ...

Stage 2: Time to investigate the world. ...

Stage 3: Mess around. ...

Stage 4: Make new companions.


 In futurism and sci-fi, the metaverse is a speculative cycle of the Web as a solitary, general and vivid virtual world that is worked with by the utilization of computer generated reality and expanded reality headsets. In casual use, a metaverse is an organization of 3D virtual universes zeroed in on friendly association.

What is metaverse idea?

Overall, advancements organizations allude to when they discuss "the metaverse" can incorporate computer generated simulation — described by relentless virtual universes that keep on existing in any event, when you're not playing — as well as expanded reality that joins parts of the advanced and actual universes


The Ryzen 5 7600X was 12% quicker than the Center i5-12600K in our gaming tests, yet significantly more amazingly, it beat the Intel Center i9-12900K by 4%. It likewise offers essentially the very gaming execution as the 7950X that is presently the quickest 'standard' gaming chip available, however at not exactly a portion of the expense

The launch price of the Ryzen 5 7600X will be a manageable $299 USD. As confirmed by AMD at its “together we advance

 AMD Ryzen 5 7600X

Price and performance details for the AMD Ryzen 5 7600X can be found below. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily.

The first graph shows the relative performance of the CPU compared to the 10 other common (single) CPUs in terms of PassMark CPU Mark.

The 2nd graph shows the value for money, in terms of the CPUMark per dollar.

The pricing history data shows the price for a single Processor. For multiple Processors, multiply the price shown by the number of CPUs.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Maintaining Your PC - Periodic Maintenance Continuously

Keep an up-to-date antivirus program installed and running. Keep a firewall up and running. Keep your operating system updated. Business users, your PCs will likely have a good corporate antivirus utility installed, but many outfits depend on their employees to update their individual programs. Hone users often have utilities installed on their machines when they take them out of the box, but the drawback to these is that they're usually time-limited and won't update for free after their terms expireEither purchases the software and updates it regularly, or download a free antivirus program such as AVG or Antivirus and keep it updated. XP users have a no-frills firewall utility on their machines, but a freebie such as Zone Alarm or Agnitum is better; other Windows users need to install a firewall utility if they don't already have one. (Most corporations and businesses have some kind of firewalls up...most, but not all.) Updating your operating system is usually as simple as choosing Windows Update from your Start menu. Find out more about share- and freeware security software at my Antivirus, Security Programs, and Password Managers page.

Daily. Scan your disk quickly. Use ScanDisk or Norton's Disk Doctor to check for problems, cross-linked files, etc. If you like, you can put a program shortcut in your Startup folder so you automatically scan every time you start up Windows. At the end of every day, back up the files you've modified. Elsewhere on this site are instructions how to organize your data into neat folders and subfolders for easy backup.

Weekly/Biweekly. (Only the most powered-up power users need to do these on a weekly basis; the rest of us can get along doing it once every 2 weeks or so.) Back up your whole hard drive. See elsewhere on this site for backup info. Defrag your drive -- info on using Windows' Disk Defragmenter utility is available on this same page, or you might use Norton's Speed Disk or another defrags utility. Scan your drive thoroughly, using the scanner's slowest and most thorough settings.

Monthly. Good god, what else should I do? You should delete all files older than one week from your C:\WINDOWS\TEMP folder. You should also test your backup files by trying to restore a few files from various folders, preferably files that are expendable. If you can't restore them, your tape drive (or Zip drive, or CD drive) is faulty. After you've done this, update your virus definitions through your virus scanner's Web site, or use your virus scanner's built-in Update tool. Win 98/ME users, you can use the Disk Cleanup option (found under System Tools and also under My Computer -- right-click the drive you want, select Properties, and there it is) to get rid of various temp files, empty the Recycle Bin, and so on.

Once. Make emergency boot floppies (see here), and make sure your CD drivers are on there. If your virus scanner lets you make emergency boot floppies, do so as well. Write-protect all your boot floppies and store them somewhere safe from rain, sleet, family pets, and destructive children. Buy a surge suppressor, and not the $12 El Cheapo model from Junk Mart. Look for one with a UL 1449 rating of 330 volts and 240 joules at the minimum, and make sure it has enough outlets for your use. You might want to snag a surge suppressor with phone jacks to go between your wall outlet and your modem. Get a tape drive or some kind of high-capacity storage medium such as a Zip drive or CD-RW, and use it to back up your hard drive. Buy a good set of utilities such as Norton Utilities, On Track SystemSuite, or McAfee's Nuts Bolts, and a good virus scanner if it isn't included in your utilities package. Organize your data files (detailed elsewhere in this site) for easy access and backup.
Win 98/ME users can go through the Maintenance Wizard, found in System Tools, to schedule regular "tune-ups" of your system. Go through the Custom settings to see exactly what is available and what you want to mess with. There are a lot of options! The Express option sets things the way most non-power users need; if you find the Custom menu intimidating, go with Express instead.
ScanReg is a utility bundled with Win 98/ME that keeps copies of your Registry in case of error or system failure. It makes a new copy of the Registry every time you reboot the computer, keeping the last 5 copies in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSBCKUP\ directory. (Can't find the folder? its "hidden," so you'll need to enable the viewing of hidden files and directories in Windows Explorer through Tools, Folder Options, Advanced.) The file names are RB001.CAB, RB002.CAB, and so forth through the fifth file. If you don't shut down your computer very often, ScanReg doesn't get a chance to make recent copies of the Registry. You may want to consider adding the SCANREG/BACKUP command to your Scheduled Tasks. How to restore the Registry using ScanReg's files? Simple, just open a DOS prompt and type C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND -- when you get into this directory, type SCANREG\RESTORE and choose from the files available to you. Reboot to restart Windows with the restored Registry. If you want more control over what is restored, then use Windows' simple command-line utility called Extract to restore the files inside a CAB. The file is in the C:\Windows\Command directory, so you may need to type its full name of C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\EXTRACT before the PC will find it. Extract with no arguments provides a quick help screen that describes how to use it. If you just give it the name of a CAB file, Extract will show you the contents of the CAB.

Google Android Net Books - The next generation PCs?

 Net books have always been the enviable gadgets, which gives us the ability stay connected while we are on the move. They are quite appealing and fashionable at the same time. They have grown more in popularity after the release of wireless Internet broadband through the USB ports. 

The advent of 3G technology gives us the power to have full fledged wireless broadband connections on portable devices, without having to rely only on the Wi-Fi zones. 

The manufacturing companies are introducing some of the most sophisticated net books to meet the requirement of every individual, be it for official purposes or for the gaming purposes. 

PC tablet net books are slowly but steadily eating up into the PC market. The hype created over the release of Apple's Ipad has brought about a lot of awareness on this technology. The gadget freaks are lining up to get their hands on some of the latest devices that are being introduced into the market. 

Google does not want to be left behind by either, plus their Android operating system will work as their main advantage. 

Laptops and notebooks are a little on the expensive side when compared to the personal computers, but the net books are more on the cheaper side, with the price ranges starting from just $150.00. 

Now Google has gone one step ahead by introducing their operating system on mobile devices other than the mobile phones. They have also introduced Android OS on the PC Tablet net books now. The devices are exceptionally good and the scopes for using the apps are plenty. 

In this article, I will provide you with the information on Android powered net books, particularly the ones that are 7in and 8in. 

Some of their main features are:
  • Web browsing with Google Chrome
  • Webmail services like Hotmail
  • PDF reader
  • Office file processors for word, excel and PowerPoint files
  • VOIP facilities to make free long distance calls
  • Latest games
  • Rotation screens to view from 4 sides
  • More than 25 languages and lots more

The devices use Android 1.6 operating system, and they have the DDR2 RAM with speed of 128 MB. They are available both in 7in and 8in LCD screens. 

These devices have a color resolution starting from 800 * 480 depending on the models. They provide an inbuilt hard drive space of 2GB. However, all their models are also compatible with the extended memory cards, with which you can enhance the storage buy 32 more GBs. 

They are Wi-fi enabled with the latest certifications for network connectivity. The microphone is built-in, and you could also watch the streaming videos on YouTube. 

The battery gives you a standby time of 4 hours and the working time of 2½ hours. I feel that this is very decent for a portable device which provides so many computing abilities. The weight of the devices very upon the models, and they are usually between 300g to 600g. 

If you are seeking more information on the Google Android powered net books and PC Netbook Tablets, you might want to check out the website, They offer some excellent discount offers on some of the latest net books.

How to Make Your Computer Live Longer

Sometime I think losing a laptop is almost as traumatic as losing a pet. You spend so much time and effort getting to know what it, trying new things. You waste hours of your life playing with it. It even follows you around.

Okay, so I might be pushing the analogy, but the truth is, most of us don"t have the money to get a new laptop every 6 months. We"d like to keep the one we have alive and running for as long as possible.

So here are a few useful little tips that might extend the life your computer. Don"t worry, you probably already know them, but reminders never hurt anyone:

1. Shut it Down: This may sound simple but a number of of us just close the lid, turn of the monitor or set it to sleep mode. Completely shutting your computer down will keep it from overheating and leaking memory. Think of your computer like your brain, it can"t function without a good night"s sleep.

2. Defrag!: Again, another simple "duh" moment. Defrag your computer. Most PCs will even let you set up a regular defrag schedule once a week. Cleaning up your files on a regular basis will also keep your computer functioning at optimal speed.

3. Keep it Clean: During your regularly scheduled defrag, go ahead and run a scan for viruses, spyware, malware, all that bad stuff you can pick on the internet. Find a good program to keep your PC"s health good.

4. Don"t Drop It: Look, be nice to your laptops. Keep them in safe places, don"t expose them to weird temperatures and be sure not to eat or drink near them if possible. Also pets. I lost a laptop a few years ago to a cat pouncing on and then hairballing all over my keys, it broke my screen and something gross seeped into the circuitry. Trust me, helping your computer and your pets avoid each other is a good idea.

These might not be the most enlightening tips, but they"ll go along way in keeping your computer chugging along for an extra year or so.

Do you have tips for adding an extra life to your laptop?